Dates | Destinations | Itinerary Brief | Meals |
Day1 | Arrive in Kunming | the Green Lake | |
Day2 | Kunming | Stone Forest,Jiuxiang | B,L |
Day3 | Dali | Dali Ancient Town,Xizhou Town,Zhoucheng Village,Cang Mountain,Erhai Lake,Shuanglang | B,L |
Day4 | Dali-Lijiang | Mu's Place,Lijaing Ancient Town,Mu's Palace | L |
Day5 | Lijiang | Qingxi Reservoir,Shuhe Ancient Town | B,L |
Day6 | Lijaing-Shangrila | Pudacuo National Park,Tibetan villages | B |
Day7 | Shangrila-Lijiang | Dukezong Ancient City,Guishan Hill,Tiger Leaping Gorge | B |
Day8 | Xishuangbanna | Wild Elephant Valley | B |
Day9 | Xishuangbanna | Xishuangbanna Primitive Forest Park | B |
Activities | the Green Lake |
Meals | No meal |
Hotels |
Sightseeing: the Green Lake
You'll begin your journey to the diverse and captivating province of Yunnan from the capital city, Kunming. Upon arrival at the Kunming International Airport, meet your local guide and transfer to the hotel.You will take a leisurely stroll along the Green Lake, a charming area of tea houses and small boutiques selling handicrafts and beautiful local paintings.出发前往素有“天气常如二三月,花枝不断四时春”的春城-昆明,导游接机,专车接您至酒店安排入住。稍作休息后游览翠湖,感受昆明人闲适的生活状态。
Activities | Stone Forest,Jiuxiang |
Meals | Breakfast,Lunch |
Hotels |
At 8:30 in the morning, our guide will pick you up in the hotel.
Drive 86KM to the Stone Forest. There is an old saying that: it is a pity that not to visit the Stone Forest while you’re in Kunming. After lunch, drive back to visit Jiuxiang Cave.At last, drive back to Kunming,and transfer to Dali by train.
Stone Forest is known as the First Wonder of the World. You’ll marvel at its natural stone masterpieces and be bewitched by the intricate formations.The Stone Forest is in Lunan Yi Nationality Autonomous County, which is about 120 kilometers (75 miles) from Kunming and requires only a three-hour drive. It covers an area of 400 square kilometers (96,000 acres) and includes both large and small stone forests, as well as many other scenic spots.
Activities | Dali Ancient Town,Xizhou Town,Zhoucheng Village,Cang Mountain,Erhai Lake,Shuanglang |
Meals | Breakfast,Lunch |
Hotels |
Sightseeing: Dali Ancient Town,Xizhou Town,Zhoucheng Village,Cang Mountain,Erhai Lake,Shuanglang
Dali, a historically and culturally famous city of China, is renowned for her historical interest. Dali Ancient Town is one of Dali's Three Ancients-ancient city, ancient pagoda and ancient steles.Dali is also famous for the many types of marble, which are used primarily in construction and decoration. In fact, Dali is so famous for the stones that the name of marble in Chinese.
大理早接火车,用完早餐后乘车前往大理古城游览大理古城、洋人街。乘车前往白族最大千年古村部落【喜洲古镇】,畅游“历史悠远、名人辈出”的白族古镇喜洲。可以自费品尝白族传统小吃—乳扇,还可以在四方街品尝到当地最有名的小吃-喜洲粑粑。乘车到大理古城北23公里处的周城参观具现代韵味的扎染加工坊、在周城用中餐、中餐后游览国家著名风景区【苍山】:乘索道(索道已含)至【天龙洞】,游天龙洞,天龙洞是《天龙八部》故事起源及拍摄外景地;游大理著名四景之上关花。乘小船游荡漾洱海,并观看鱼鹰表演,体会人与自然的和谐和白家渔民的风俗。前往位于洱海东面的白族魅力古村落-----双廊。途中参观白族最大的本主“红山本主庙”参拜白族守护神“段宗榜”,之后抵达双廊村后,导游带领参观双廊古村落:古朴的白族民居小院、淳朴的白族老百姓、特色海景酒吧以及当地特色小吃让您留恋往返,远观国家AAAA级旅游景区“南诏风情岛”入住酒店休息后可自由活动,拍摄日落洱海风光、晚餐自理。Activities | Mu's Place,Lijaing Ancient Town,Mu's Palace |
Meals | Lunch |
Hotels |
Sightseeing: Mu's Place,Lijaing Ancient Town,Mu's Palace
Lijiang Ancient Town is a largely Naxi settlement first built 800 years agao, located at the foot of the Lion Hill and completely surrounded by the new city of Lijiang.In December 1986, the State Council designated it a famous ancient historical and cultural city of national caliber. In 1997, UNESCO made Lijiang a World Cultural Heritage Site.
Mu’s Residence is located in Lijiang Ancient Town.The ancestors of the Mus date back of the time before the Tang Dynasty.
Activities | Qingxi Reservoir,Shuhe Ancient Town |
Meals | Breakfast,Lunch |
Hotels |
Sightseeing: Qingxi Reservoir,Shuhe Ancient Town,Lashi Lake
Activities | Pudacuo National Park,Tibetan villages |
Meals | Breakfast |
Hotels |
Sightseeing:Pudacuo National Park,Tibetan villages
Located in Shangri-la County in China’s Yunnan Province, Pudacuo National Park is the first national park on the Chinese mainland which was announced on June 25, 2007. Covering an area of 500 square meters Pudacuo National Park consists of the Bita Lake and the Shudu Lake. The term “Pudacuo” usually refers to the original Tibetan name for Bita Lake where visitors can have a view of an isle called Mandala or Mantuluo. The term also carries the meaning of an unearthly world without pollution and noise.
早8:00从丽江出发,一路经过拉市海湿地公园,纳西族村落,感受田园风光。之后到雄古观景台,在蓝天白云的衬托下,金沙江峡谷,玉龙雪山,哈巴雪山尽收眼底!在这里曾经留下了无数美丽动人的传说。中午到达彝族村寨,拍照休息片刻。到达香格里拉县城午餐(自理)后离开香格里拉古城,我们驱车前往我国大陆第一个国家公园——【普达措国家公园】,普达措景区现以【碧塔海】和【属都湖】为主要组成部分,进入景区后乘坐景区的环保车,游览属都湖、碧塔海,大概要3-5个小时,游览完普达措国家公园,返回香格里拉县城, 19:00集合前往藏民家中,参加藏民(已含)土司宴体验藏族的生活、文化和观看原生态歌舞。21:30结束后回到酒店休息。
Activities | Dukezong Ancient City,Guishan Hill,Tiger Leaping Gorge |
Meals | Breakfast |
Hotels |
Sightseeing:Dukezong Ancient Town,Tiger Leaping Gorge
Dukezong Ancient Town has 1300 years history,which is located in Shangri-La and has experienced both the flames of war and prosperity of frontier trade. It is the largest and best-preserved Tibetan city among China's Tibetan counties.
Tiger Leaping Gorge is believed to be the deepest gorge in the world. Naturally divided into three sections.An ancient legend says,in order to escape from a hunter, a tiger jumped across the river at the narrowest point, hence the name.
酒店集合后前往【独克宗古城】,参观龟山公园,合力转动世界上最大的转经筒,为爱你的人和你爱的人祈福;之后离开香格里拉古城,沿214国道经小中甸(五月中旬这里便成了杜鹃花的海洋,九月中又成了狼毒花的天下)中午到达午餐地——虎跳峡镇,自行解决午餐(约1小时午餐时间)13:30开始徒步【虎跳峡】,体验虎跳峡的壮美与金沙江的波涛汹涌的感觉(约二小时),15:30开始返回丽江,约17:30左右到达丽江古城,晚安排送机【不含机票】!版纳安排接机入住酒店。Activities | Wild Elephant Valley |
Meals | Breakfast |
Hotels |
Sightseeing:Wild Elephant Valley
Wild Elephant Valley is about 50 km from Jinghong City in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture.The park includes an arena for performing elephants, a peacock garden, a butterfly breeding farm and a forest exploration tourist area. China’s first elephant training and performance school was established here.
Activities | Xishuangbanna Primitive Forest Park |
Meals | Breakfast |
Hotels |
Sightseeing:Xishuangbanna Primitive Forest Park
The Primitive Forest Park is one of the largest comprehensive ecological scenic spots in Xishuangbanna. The park displays unique natural scenery of primitive forests and exotic ethnic customs,such as well-preserved tropical rain forests, breeding base of peacocks, large-scale performing venues for ethnic customs and barbecue ground with local cuisine.
Group Size | Hostel | Using Economy Hotel ★★★ |
Using Comfortable Hotel ★★★★ |
Using Deluxe Hotel ★★★★★ |
Single Supplement | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Group Size | Hostel | Using Economy Hotel ★★★ |
Using Comfortable Hotel ★★★★ |
Using Deluxe Hotel ★★★★★ |
Single Supplement | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
City | Hotel | Economy Hotel ★★★ |
Comfortable Hotel ★★★★ |
Deluxe Hotel ★★★★★ |
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