The Yi ethnic group has many branches. Some still live in extremely cold areas and their dances vary. The Moonlight Dance of Axi, popular in Lunan and Mile of Yunnan Province, is a kind of mass dance of Axi and Sani people of the Yi ethnic minority.
Every year, when it's time for spring ploughing, Axi people plant in the moonlight at night. This is the origin of the Moonlight Dance.
The accompanying instruments include the big Sanxian (three-stringed Chinese guitar) and the flute. Most of the music is five-eighth time. Five beats make up a phrase. The first three beats are the major melody, and in the latter two beats, the string is plucked to produce sound of "Chacha", like rhythmic jumping. Dancers are not limited in number, but they must be in pairs. In the first three beats, the dancers move forward, backward or around; while in the latter two beats, they clap their feet or hands while staying at the original places.
In the 1940s, dancers developed the original dance in the Moonlight Dance of Axi into what we see today on stage.
Date: 11-13 August
Place: Mi’le County, Honghe Prefecture
Axi is a Yi ethnic branch of Mi’le County, one-hour drive from the Stone Forest. "Axi Dance", also known as "A Xi Tiao Yue" in Chinese, is a traditional dance of the Axi and Sani branches of the Yi ethnic minority living in M'le, Lunan (Shilin) and Luxi etc.
It is a kind of recreational form in the social life of the Yi youth. When dancing, boys play Dasanxian (a kind of three-stringed instrument) or flutes, and girls will dance up joyfully to the rhythms.
阿细跳月是彝族阿细人最具代表性的民族民间舞蹈,阿细跳月阿细语称“嘎斯比”,即“欢乐跳”之意,因多在月光篝火旁起舞,故名曰“阿细跳月”。阿细跳月也称“阿西跳月”、“跳乐”。自称“阿细”、“撒尼”的彝族民间传统舞蹈。它发源于云南省弥勒市西山阿细人聚集区,流行于云南弥勒、石林、泸西等地。青年男女社交娱乐形式。男舞者弹大三弦或吹笛子,女子合着节拍与男对舞。或者牵手围圈,左右摆动,拍掌踹脚,旋转而舞。 彝族撒尼人和阿细人的民间舞蹈之一。流行于云南彝族地区。主要动作有三步一蹦跳、拍掌、跳转等。节奏鲜明,情绪欢快。又称跳乐。中国民族音乐家彭修文曾根据该舞蹈的音乐,写了民族管弦乐曲《阿细跳月》。
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