Lanterns on the Lake 海灯会
24 August 2016 in Eryuan County Cibi Lake Dragon King Temple 龙王庙茈碧湖洱源
A big temple fair at a temple on shore of Cibi Lake.
The festival spreads over two days. The daylight hours of the first day are dedicated to preparations inside the temple, but in the evening, from around 8pm, lanterns are floated on the lake. The second day is the main temple fair, starting around 10am and lasting until the afternoon.
Update: it looks like that floating the lanterns has been discontinued, the first day is mostly preparations while the second day attracts the main crowd.每年农历7月22日在洱源茈碧湖上举行是罢谷山龙王庙会,人们从四面八方赶来,龙王庙前的岸边停满了放海灯的船只。夜幕降临,放海灯人要到龙王庙祭龙王,然后吹吹打打地登上放海灯的船,将船驰入湖中,一老人先将龙王旗点燃,再点燃龙王灯并将龙王灯放入湖中。这时,其他放海灯的船只,将制作好的海灯在唢呐声中陆续放入湖中,船边划边放,不时还燃放鞭炮。
海灯形状如莲花,点燃后耀眼夺目,一盏盏海灯随风在湖中飘荡,顷刻间万盏海灯齐明,星星点点好似群星降落湖中,闪闪灼灼 ,十分壮观。
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