In Kaili you can take trains to the major large and medium-size cities of China: Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Chongqing, Ningbo, Fuzhou, Kunming, Guiyang, Wuchang and so on. Generally speaking, tourists can first arrive in Guiyang, then take the 'Fanjing Moutain' (a touring train from Guiyang to Yuping County) and get off in Kaili. It takes about three hours to get to Kaili and the fare is about 24 yuan. Tourists can take the train from Guangzhou to Chengdu or the train from Guangzhou to Chongqing and get off at Duyun station. Then they can go to Kaili by bus or minibuses. Tourists from Beijing or Shanghai can take the train to Chongqing and get off at Kaili. But it is a little bit inconvenient because the arrival time is usually at night or before dawn. Kaili Railway Station is on the side of the Qingshui River, 2 kilometers north from the urban area. Tourists can take the No 1 or No 2 bus to the urban area directly and the ticket is 5-7 Jiao. It takes 2 hours to get to Guiyang by the Shanghai-Guiyang or Shanghai-Chongqing trains, and certainly you can take the touring train 'the Fanjing Mountain'. Tips: you can buy the ticket in the ticket office near Central Bank of China.
Railway station inquiry telephone: 0855-3813114.
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