Songming county is located in the north-east of Kunming, the distance is 43km from Kunming, the precinct has 7 towns including 107 villages, the square is 1357.29K©O, The land of resources are rich, The plain area is 414.6 K©O ranked in 2nd Kunming and 7th Yunnan, the plantation has 3.6 ten thousand hectare which one include dry land has 2 ten thousand hectare and water land 1.6 ten thousand hectare. The population has 354366, reside in 25 nationalities including hang, hui, miao, yi etc. Songming county enjoy a moderate climate, it belongs to commix temperate with variable zone, warm variable zone and north semitropical climates, the annual temperature is 14¡æ ,the frost-free season is 222 days, the annual average sunlight is 2073 hours, the annual rainfall is 993mm , The apogee height is 2840m , the nadir height is 1770.5m the forest overcast reach to 49.2%, it coolness in the summer and warmly in the winter.
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