There are so many restaurants in Jinghong city.Following up is the list of some restaurant,you may not miss the delicious,enjoy your dinner in Jinghong city,
Caichunqing Restaurant财春青
Price: 60Yuan for each person
Style: family dishes
Adress: 193 th ,Manting Road西双版纳景洪市景洪市曼听路曼景兰193号(中玉酒店对面)(近勐龙路)
Dailouyuan Restaurant 傣楼园
Price: 60Yuan for each person
Style: family dishes
Tel:(0691)2296449, 18849636005
Adress: 20 th ,Jinglan Village ,Gaozhuang告庄西双景景兰寨20号
Yedena Tea Restaurant 耶得纳茶餐厅
Price: 60 Yuan for each person
Style: fried dishes
Adress: 3 floor,Shawan Square沙湾广场3楼
Mao Restaurant毛家饭店(黎明巷店)
Price: 40 Yuan for each person
Style: Chuan dishes
Adress:Menghai Road 景洪勐海路滨港国际向东30米(泼水广场南侧)
Amiao Restaurant阿苗土菜馆
Price: 50 Yuan for each person
Style: family Cuisine
Tel:(0691)2261229, 18206934998
Adress: 19-b101 Jinglan Village ,Gaozhuang告庄西双景景兰寨19-b101号(面对大金塔右手边第一个路口左转第二个路口右转,或者在湄公河夜市入口直走左转)
Tai Restaurant 泰色餐饮店
Price: 60Yuan for each person
Style: family Cuisine
Adress:7-103 Jingmeng Village ,Gaozhuang景洪市告庄西双景景勐寨7-103号(大金塔)
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