There are so many restaurants in Menghai county.Following up is the list of some restaurant,you may not miss the delicious,enjoy your dinner in Menghai county.
1.Gujia Restaurant谷花土鸡烤鸡店
Price: 60Yuan for each person
Style: family dishes
Tel:(0691)5138811, 13578118825
Adress: Menghe Road,Menghai Town勐海镇曼贺路(曼贺大佛寺圣水井旁)
2.Guo Restaurant郭记麻辣香锅
Price: 60 Yuan for each person
Style: fried dishes
Adress:Menghai county.勐海边防大队对面
3.Muslim Restaurant穆斯林餐厅
Price: 80Yuan for each person
Style: Muslim Cuisine
Adress: Xinhai Park ,Menghai county.西双版纳勐海县鑫海花园旁
4.Yulanyuan Restaurant玉兰缘私房菜
Price: 40 Yuan for each person
Style: Chuan dishes
Adress: Menghai county.勐海镇勐海至勐混新公路48公里处
5.Meiweixiaojiayuan Restaurant美味小家园餐厅
Price: 40 Yuan for each person
Style: Chuan dishes
Adress:005 Town Street ,Mneghai county.西双版纳勐海县005乡道
6.Lancangfengwei Restaurant澜沧风味餐厅
Price: 60Yuan for each person
Style: family Cuisine
Adress:G 214 ,Menghai county.西双版纳傣族自治州勐海县g214
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