In this page, Kunming - Lijiang trains information are introduced for your reference, as well as some other tips for traveling to the two cities. Hope it helps you to orgnise your trip.
Kunming - Lijiang Trains
There are 6 pairs of trains traveling between Kunming and Lijiang every day. It takes from about 6 hours and 55 minutes to 10 hours and 43 minutes on the road for one way, depending on different trains. For it takes a little long time on the road, it is recommended to take the over-night train with soft sleeper, so that you can have a good rest on the train and save time for sightseeing activity during the day.
►Train from Kunming to Lijiang
Trains from Kunming to Lijiang depart usually at night. They starst off from Kunming Railway Station and arrive at Lijiang Railway Station.
K9682 leaving at 12:10 pm and arriving at 19:05 takes the shortest time with only 6 hours and 55 minutes. Over-night train K9616 (12:40-07:05) and K9602 (22:06-08:49) are good ones to take.
►Train from Lijiang to Kunming
Trains from Lijiang to Kunming departs from Lijiang Railway Station and arrive at Kunming Railway Station. The earliest train is K9688 leaving at 09:25 pm with the shortest running, only 6 hours and 55 minutes. Overnight trains like K9684(21:30-07:00) and K9614 (20:55-06:13) are suggested to take.
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