There are a lot of restaurants in Mengzi county,there are different flavors and different price of them,so visitors can choose to have dinner by yourselves.
Price high, average per capita consumption of more than 300 Yuan.
Mengchengyinxiang Restaurant蒙城印象餐厅
Kind:Seafood predominates
Phone: 0873-3643888 0873-3643678
Address:New world Street 27th, xingye road (near Tianzhuroad)兴业路新天地步行街27号(近天竺路)
美食美客餐厅Meishimeike Restaurant
Dominated by hot pot以火锅为主: pot "is not a traditional butter pot" but "oil", soupcolor "pink", "pure". Rinse vegetables "fresh", price "fair". The mostimportant is the environmental project a "very comfortable feeling
Address: 30th Millan road, 文澜路30号
Price common, average per capita consumption of more than 100Yuan
kind:Hani flavor,哈尼风味
Address: shuanghe village, Chaoyang road towards the direction of the Stateright at the second crossing, 双河小区,朝阳路往州政府方向的第二个路口往右
kind:Tian flavor滇味
Address: Tianma Road, stadium road in mengzi, Yunnan天马路蒙自市体育场后
Price moderate, homemade taste, per capita consumption of 80 yuan or more.
Baxianlin Restaurant八仙阁餐厅
kind:pingbian, dishes屏边口味,家常菜
Adress:Chaoyang road, after a large waterwheel,you can go straight towards the directionof State Government, 朝阳路,过了大水车一直往州政府方向走
Jingshun small pot京顺园小火锅
Address: Chaoyang road, Bull-first floor of the hotel朝阳路奔牛酒店一楼
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