Mile is a county with many characteristic restaurants, they offer different kinds of dishes and snacks. And in some restaurant, you can taste the local dishes which can not even be seen in other places. So , when you visit Mile county, you may have a try.
Chuantong Mile Restaurant传统弥勒菜
Environment: poor
Per capita consumption:40yuan
Type:family dishse
Address:Zhongshan Road弥勒市 中山路(近佳信大酒店)
Jiali Restuarant嘉里饭庄
Environment: good
Per capita consumption:70yuan
Type:Chinese cusine
Address:Renmin Road,Miyang Town弥阳镇弥阳镇人民路
Honghe Restuarant红河食府(温泉路)
Environment: good
Per capita consumption:85 yuan
Type:common taste
Tel: (0873)6130301
Address:Wenquan Road弥勒市 温泉路西段
Xuanheren Restaurant宣和仁家餐厅
Environment: good
Per capita consumption:60 yuan
Type:common dishes
Address:Qinglai Road弥勒市 庆来路小火车头福地天街8-2号(弥勒市市政府旁)
Yeshanxun Restaurant野山珍菌王
Environment: good
Per capita consumption:100 yuan
Address:Ranweng Road弥勒市 冉翁西路延长线一心小区东面一号商铺(近柯玛酒店)
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