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The 300 square kilometers snow mountain ranges, 24 kilometers in south - north direction and 15.6 kilometers in east – west direction, is a branch of the Biluo Snow Mountain. The main peak called Big Snow Mountain is 3, 429 meters high. To the northwest of the main peak is another peak called Small Snow Mountain which is 3,177 meters high. To the south and east are the 2, 737 meters Honghua Peak and 2, 843 meters Gudun Peak.
To the farthest east is the 1, 813 meters Dazhao Peak which is already within the boundary of the Yun County. The zone above 3, 000 meters in elevation is frozen by snow and ice for at least three or four months each year. The major attractions in this scenic zone are the Snow Mountain River, Laojun Temple, Heijian Mountain, Immortal Cave, Huangcao dam, Gudun Mountain, Mifeng Village, waterfalls and Daxian Rock etc.
Indesen Daisetsuzan Indesen County in the wind from the Snowy Mountains, the LDC forest area, Tang Li Shan - Guanyindong mountain films, Nanting River Tour line, a total of three front-line component, 90 spots with a total area of 170 square kilometers . Linhai vast landscape area, biological diversity, the display beautiful and colorful azaleas, waterfalls changes endless clouds, soil Lin wonders Variety, Tree forest, Wa Walled Customs, and sleeping Buddha rock paintings tree-T towers, hot springs cave western rule the roost, banana Cane Park tropical forest landscape, ethnic folk rich ancient landscape unique and beautiful environment. Indesen Snowy Mountains is a tourist and sightseeing, an excellent place to research expedition.
About protected areas
Protected areas in Yunnan Province, southwest Indesen prefecture, the location longitude 99 ° 33'25 "99 ° 43'53" N 24 ° 1'26 "to 24 ° 11'50." Total area of 15,786 hectares. For the natural ecosystem types of forest ecosystem types Nature Reserve. On forest ecosystems as a major target of the protection of nature reserves, mainly to protect Zhongshan moist evergreen broad-leaved forest for the South subtropical mountain with vertical natural ecosystems and rare endemic species of flora and fauna.
Resource Protection Area
The protection of mountain vegetation vertical zones: the lowest point of protected areas in South King Valley 960 m above sea level, the highest elevation 3504.2 m Daxueshan top, the relative height difference over 2,500 m, is China's mainland, south of latitude 24 ° highest mountain. From the Valley to the Peak, a quarter of the vertical distribution of rain forests, monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest, semi-humid evergreen broad-leaved forest, Zhongshan moist evergreen broad-leaved forest, mixed Yunliang width of the needle, cold temperature and coniferous forest subalpine shrub meadow, and so a more complete series of six vertical vegetation belt. Structured, clear characteristics of the transition in the same mountain between right close by home.
Lot protect the core of the ecosystem intact, the original planted Zhongshan moist evergreen broad-leaved forest, Hemlock evergreen broad-leaved forest and distribution of the South China fir forest. South China's Yunnan Province and the southern mountain rare, complete and very typical hilly vertical Band Series. As southerly latitude, the southwest monsoon frontier areas, each with vertical vegetation has high biological diversity. Vertical mountain vegetation protection zone is to protect the biological diversity of protected areas. To the protection of dolphins deer, black crested gibbon (ESCWA Yunnan species), peacock green, black neck's Pheasant, and monitor lizards, snakes and other representatives for the 59 kinds of wild animals under special state protection, protection of Yunnan Taxus, water Qingshu, Alsophila spinulosa, Gross dog as the representative of the 12 national and provincial statutory protection of wild plants.
Protected areas to protect the unique components: plant the 23 species of protected areas; 23 mammal species China, amphibians and reptiles of the 29 endemic species and 2-3 Yunnan protected areas endemic species, fish 9 Anger Lan Asia species and four new species.
