In Chinese: 梁河县 ; In Pinyin: Liáng Hé Xiàn  |
Administrative Division Code : 533122; |
Post Code : 679200 |
Phone Area Code :0692 |
The Prefix of Motor Vehicle License Plate : 云N
The Prefix of Citizen Identity Card Number: 533122 |
Area Coverage: 1159 square kilometers; |
Population : 160,000 persons (by the end of 2010); |
Seat of Government: Zhedao Town |
our Guide to Lianghe: Streets and Roads
| Luogong LineNandian RoadDachang StreetZhenxing RoadBingjie LineTuanjie RoadGanyin LineBaorui HighwayYinsa Road |
County is at the third level in China's administrative divisional system. It's amongst the seven types ofCounty level administrative divisions(县级行政区). |
Counties (县 xiàn) ( Totally 1,461 across China) Autonomous counties (自治县 zìzhìxiàn) (Totally 117 across China) County-level cities(县级市 xiànjíshì) (Totally 370 across China) Districts (市辖区 shìxiáqū) (Totally 853 across China) Banners (旗 qí) (Totally 49 across China) Autonomous banners (自治旗 zìzhìqí) (Totally 3 ) Forestry areas (林区 línqū) (1)
Subdivisions under its JurisdictionS/NFull NameIn ChineseIn Pinyin1Zhedao Town遮岛镇Zhedao2Mengyang Town勐养镇Mengyang3Mangdong Town芒东镇Mangdong4Nangsong Achang Ethnic Township曩宋阿昌族民族乡Nangsong5Jiubao Achang Ethnic Township九保阿昌族民族乡Jiubao6Hexi Township河西乡Hexi7Nangsong Achang Ethnic Township曩宋阿昌族乡Nangsong8Jiubao Achang Ethnic Township九保阿昌族乡Jiubao9Dachang Township大厂乡Dachang10Xiaochang Township小厂乡Xiaochang |
Administrative divisions with the same English name in the People's Republic of China:
Lianghe Town [in Chinese: 两河镇 ] ,located in Kangxian County, Gansu Province
Lianghe Town [in Chinese: 亮河镇 ] ,located in Shangzhi City, Heilongjiang Province
Lianghe Town [in Chinese: 两河镇 ] ,located in Dangyang City, Hubei Province
Lianghe Town [in Chinese: 两河镇 ] ,located in Shiquan County, Shaanxi Province
Lianghe Township [in Chinese: 两河乡 ] ,located in Quanzhou County, Guangxi Zhuang Aut. Region
Lianghe Township [in Chinese: 两河乡 ] ,located in Panxian County, Guizhou Province
Lianghe Township [in Chinese: 两河乡 ] ,located in Pingshan County, Hebei Province
Lianghe Township [in Chinese: 两河乡 ] ,located in Huayuan County, Hunan Province
Lianghe Township [in Chinese: 两河乡 ] ,located in Nanzheng County, Shaanxi Province
Lianghe Township [in Chinese: 两河乡 ] ,located in Zhashui County, Shaanxi Province