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Yuanyang County Food

Hani and specialties, non-eating is not the yuan Haruna红河哈尼族特色美食,非吃不可的元阳菜


Hani Soy carp哈尼豉香鲫鱼

Small fry until golden carp, Hani Features simmer tasty lobster, fish tender outside the focus, soy-rich, salty moderate. Experience Honghe Prefecture unique ethnic customs.

Cut cattle kanbarCut cattle kanbar切开的牛干巴

 There is also a way of eating more beef kanbar stimulate the taste buds: the dry Bachelet strips, put on the charcoal grilled or pan Zhashu, then put the mortar in a dry filariasis Chung, then add ginger, garlic, fresh millet spicy, pepper Chung other ingredients together. Do so out of Thelephora, absolutely spicy you sweating, appetite, hooked, ensure you will never forget this taste.

Yuanyang snailYuanyang snail元阳田螺

Yuanyang water is clear, soft and deep mud Tanaka, a snail growing places, under such conditions the growth of snail meat is sweet, high calcium-containing, and has good medicinal value.

Yuanyang fried bamboo wormsYuanyang fried bamboo worms元阳炸竹虫

Bamboo worms, bees, also known as bamboo, bamboo maggots. Parasites in the bamboo to eat tender bamboo mainly eat bamboo down from the tip section by section, and finally hidden in the base of the barrel, to Nov. body fat indigestion, should catch, then become pupae outdated. Bamboo worms. Not only eating Hani, Zhuang, Buyi also eating good catch. Buyi live in valley, lush bamboo, depending on the bamboo tip yellow, you can cut bamboo stems to take. After the bamboo worms fried golden color and by glossy, crisp aroma, high protein content, Zuojiu cuisine

Stuffy pot liquorStuffy pot liquor闷锅酒

The selection of the corn, buckwheat or rice after fermentation, with no contamination by any artificial mountain spring water brewed. The production of special, wine and women clear sun net, clear mellow flutter.

Yuanyang curdYuanyang curd元阳烧豆腐

It is famous snacks, to high-quality tofu, cooked with charcoal, together with the sauce made of yellow crispy skin, tender heart streptavidin. At night, the streets of Kunming fire mapping, fragrance four Yat, forming the folk scene. Tofu is the snack southern Yunnan region, each about twenty grams, is the use of high-quality soybeans by grinding, peeled, bubble, grinding, boiling syrup, filter pulp, molding, water treatment and fermentation ten made processes. Wherein the fermentation process is the key, the fermentation time is short and stiff tofu sour bitter taste, for too long the spoilage. The so-called bean curd tofu is actually a small "foul smell, and taste sweet", fermented tofu is not easy to deal with many human digestion and absorption of nutrients, by yeast or fungi decompose and help the body needs.



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